Happy Holidays!!


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Hope everyone had a Happy Holiday! Mine was pretty fantastic. I found out that I’m a running addict…hence all I received for Christmas was something related to running. My only Christmas party so far consisted of the group that did Ragnar together…it was a neon glow party and absolutely amazing! I won’t bore you with words, the pictures say it all!

Our Christmas

Epic, Huge, Major Fail


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New Year’s resolution #1…blog more. The last post I did was in September! Recap of what I’ve been doing?

The Past 3 Months

  • Placed 2nd in a 5k, watched Bart run his first half marathon
  • Finished Chicago Marathon – it was absolutely amazing! I loved the expo, shopped ALL DAY, met Lopez Lomong (loved his booked), and ate an amazing dinner at Girl & the Goat
  • Visited Mizzou with my long lost college friends and tailgated
  • Ran Tennessee Ragnar Relay – It was a great experience! By the end of it, I was questioning why in the hell I did this and a few days later I was ready to do another one
  • Ran a Turkey Trot – it was the slowest 5k in my entire life, but it was fun posing for the pictures
  • Various other activities – ZooBoo with the sweetest girls, ZooLights with the niece, delicious dinners with friends, and more!

Future Races

  • January 26 – Zoo Run Run in Nashville
  • February 9 – Hot Chocolate 15k in Dallas
  • February 28 – New Orleans Half Marathon
  • March 3 – Little Rock Half Marathon
  • March 9 – Red Rock Las Vegas Half (Hopefully, still undecided since….)
  • April 28 – We got picked for the NWM Inaugural D,C. Race!! I’m sooo soo excited we got picked. I haven’t been to D.C., get to visit Amanda’s fav Uncle, and the Tiffany’s finisher necklace!
  • June 9 – Chicago AllState Half

Basically, I need another job to pair for all these races. I will blog everyday (almost) for the new year. I actually have a fun Christmas party to attend tomorrow night with our little running group.

Weekend Recap – The Doggy 5k


So, major FAIL at being a blogger. I’ve been so busy and well I’ll just say I’ve been a bit lazy. Oh well. Training for the Chicago marathon has been about the same. I know I can do it, but I’m still so nervous about how my body will hate me afterwards. It’s so hard to find time training for a marathon and getting those long runs in. It definitely takes dedication. This weekend will be the lasts of my long runs. Phew. However, this past weekend was supposed to be one but I did a 5k instead with Bella. She hates me.

This 5k was called the Cavenaugh Thumperton and benefited NEA Humane Society. I had to do it! I did make Bart run with Bella though because I wanted to try and place in my division. I was 4 seconds off and it was my slowest 5k of the year, however, I’ll blame it on the rain and me being cautious as to not slip or anything so I would be ready for the marathon.

The race was fun and by that I mean it was fun seeing all the dogs. However, you did have to watch out for some accidents on the sidewalk and streets if you were a bit behind. I don’t understand that…why not the grass? Anyways, here are a few pictures. It took Bart & Bella almost an hour and she slept ALL day long. Miserable.

No idea what she's about to get herself intoHer big finishWe need to work on that timeHer doggie medalWe got her a sausage biscuit from McDonalds afterwards, she got a doggie cookie has a treat from the race and even a race bag!

Weekend Recap – Kansas City!



Labor Day weekend = a 4 day weekend for me. It was great. Friday was spent with a lot of waiting and getting packed for Kansas City for Caitlin’s birthday weekend. We left around 3pm, way later than I would like, but we made the 7 hour drive up there. We hit rain and traffic in St. Louis – it was awful. We made a stop in Columbia, you know I had to visit the Mizzou bookstore for a few items, grabbed a quick bite to eat and we were off again. We made it around 11 and were beat.

Saturday was supposed to be a run = FAIL! It rained ALL day. We hung around the house and grabbed some lunch.

We started the night off at The Well, watched Mizzou Football and then headed for the trolley. This is a neat concept since you just pay $10 and it will take you to any bar around town. Therefore, no worrying about who will drive home or paying a ridiculous cab fare to get home. Here are a few pictures from the night. We had so much fun and I can’t wait to visit again or hangout with these girls in Columbia!

Sunday, we booked it home. Minus the little stop at Whole Foods. We seriously went to Whole Foods in Kansas City and St. Louis. A bit ridiculous. Anyways, we were having a couple over for dinner that night and had to start cooking. We had sausage pinwheels, cream cheese with red pepper jelly and set up a pizza bar. We had flatbreads with 2 different sauces and a ton of toppings so we could all create our favorite pizza. While we ate, we watched What to Expect When You’re Expecting, which is a super cute movie. They brought Chocolate Covered Strawberry Pie, it was delicious and we finished the night off. It was a good get together.

Monday, we had my parents over and um kind of had them over for dinner with the same pizza concept. I know, it sounds lazy. I also made manicotti and went ahead and made lunch for this week, which consisted of vegetable quinoa and edamame succotash – Whole Foods inspired. Fail at taking any sort of pictures.

The month of September, I will be focusing on RUNNING. The MARATHON is a month away! EEK!

Are You Ready for Football?!


I am so ready for this football season. I like to say I like baseball, however, I HATE watching it on television. I think it’s extremely boring, however, I wouldn’t mind going to a game for the food and maybe a drink. Anyways, I am a HUGE fan of Mizzou. We are new to the SEC this year and the first question that popped into my head was…”Will the girls dress up this year?” This is a college where girls sport their t-shirts with beads, tiger ears, face decal and occasionally a tiger tail. A few girls dress up, however, it’s not as big as the girls in the SEC dress. So, what will Mizzou do this year? I’ve put together a few game day options that I would totally rock. I’m going to the AL game, missed my chance at tickets since they sold out in minutes, so will now patiently watch Stubhub.

Ruby Blooms Dress by ModclothCute with tights & jacket

Sheer Long Sleeve DressJust add a gold necklace

Game Day

This will be the style I’ll go with

Currently Craving Peplum



I don’t know what it is about this trend, but I’m seriously loving it. Who knows how long it will actually stick around and one day I may look back and ask myself what was I thinking. Right now, I’m digging it. Here are a few things that I’m currently craving within the peplum world. Plus, you know I had to throw in some workout gear I’d love to have right about now (Gotta plan for what I’ll be wearing in Chicago Marathon).

Topshop, Esther Boutique, Sincerely Jules

Cool Racerback

I’d also like the new Garmin Forerunner 10 in Pink 🙂

I’ve lost my motivation for running these past 2 weeks. I’ve skipped out on my long runs I’ve had scheduled. I am going to try a new tactic and just run 3 times a week and see how that goes. Also, plans for this weekend include a trip to Kansas City – so so excited!!

It was All About Color this Weekend!

This weekend I made the 3 hour drive up to Saint Louis, Missouri for The Color Run! It was super fun and colorful, full of good food & friends and a trip to The Lion King!

Friday started off with “trying” to get my long run in. It’s just so hard to wake up so early and plan on running for 3-4 hours. I made it to 8 miles. We left for Saint Louis and met my friend from high school for dinner, drinks & he was gracious enough to let us crash at his place for a night.

Saturday was bright & early for The Color Run. I’ll let the pictures do the talking…


After the run, we…

The Lion King

Is this the first picture where I’m not at a race and in regular clothes?

After The Lion King, we stopped at Whole Foods for a little shopping and REI just to look around, which I then found my pink headlamp that I plan to purchase for The Ragnar Race.

This week, I plan on focusing on my running and fitting in spin, yoga and swimming in there somewhere. I have absolutely NOTHING planned this weekend, especially since the next is Kansas City weekend.

Weekend in Review – Annie Oakley


Fail at being a blogger. I’ve been so burnt out on everything that all I’ve wanted to do is sleep. However, I’m starting to find my groove again (maybe). This past weekend was the Annie Oakley Triathlon. Friday night, we made the trip home since my dad was actually going with me to see what this whole shenanigans was about.

Saturday morning started out bright & EARRLYY at 3:00 am to head out to Memphis by 4:00 am. I mainly slept and froze the whole way down there. We got there just about the time everyone else did so I had plenty of time to set up my transition area, pick up my packet and get marked. The temperature was amazzinnggg, even the water was warmer than it was outside.

I felt like I hung out a lot, doing nothing, but before I knew it, we were lined up for the swim. I stood up there the whole time contemplating on diving or just jumping in – I dove(while holding my nose). The swim was so so, I could never get in a good rhythm or catch my breath, so I backstroked it some and just got where I needed to go however I needed to do it.

Next up, the bike.The weather was so nice, so the ride felt pretty good and I felt like I got a better handle on my shifting. After the 11 mile bike ride, it was time for the run. My legs felt like jello after getting off the bike and it was a trail run, so that always makes me nervous because you could easily fall or twist something, plus it’s hard to pass. My end time was 1:22. I don’t ever have a goal in mind, so I’m basically satisfied with whatever. I secretly scope out my age group and aim for them, since our age is written on the back of our leg.

We finished!

Afterwards, I treated myself.

The rest of Saturday & Sunday were days of rest. Sunday, I attended a new church and an Arbonne meeting and went to bed early. These 2 days of rest also meant my Chicago marathon training was put on hold.

Oh, Sunday also meant the day I saw my race pictures. WHY DO I LOOK LIKE A MAN?! This seriously makes me rethink this sport because I do not want to look like that or I just need to primp more and find a wayyyyy cuter tri outfit!

This weekend is The Color Run & The Lion King – so so so excited!!! I will not fail as a blogger and take tons of pictures and post asap!

How to Stay Motivated


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So, my life basically revolves around working out during the week. Right now, it’s revolving around this marathon training plan. My long runs are normally on Saturdays, however, I have a triathlon this weekend and I’ll be in St. Louis next weekend. I have to fit it on a Sunday and schedule everything else around it. I mean, I sometimes feel a bit ridiculous when I can’t go with friends just because I have to get in a run. It’s hard to do and the question roams around in your head, Is it worth it? The question today is, how do you stay motivated?


Right now, I stay motivated if I have something to work for. The Chicago Marathon is a huge deal to me. Not only will it be a huge accomplishment for me, but I get to run it while raising money for an awesome charity. Plus, it’s CHICAGO! I’m so so pumped for shopping and eating. I’m being a savvy saver starting NOW! After that, I have the Ragnar Race in November, another half in November and the Las Vegas half in December. After that, it’s time to start planning out my race schedule for 2013. Races keep me motivated…and broke 🙂

P.S. Has anyone ever searched motivation on Pinterest? You get a TON of Disney pictures, which always brightens my day!


Weekend Recap – A Whole Lotta Nothin’



This weekend was filled with absolutely nothing, basically. I ran, ate, cooked, did a little yoga, swimming and visited home. I thought about doing a triathlon this weekend, however, figured it was in my best interest to rest and SAVE. Next weekend is The Annie Oakley Triathlon, following is The Color Run in St. Louis and the last weekend is Labor Day weekend which will include a trip to KC.

Friday started off with doing absolutely nothing. It was actually pretty nice.

Saturday, I got up to start off my 16 mile run outside. However, I came up a snake and went back home. I tried to ignore it, but considering I had to loop past that spot another 4 times didn’t appeal to me. I instead went to the gym to finish up another 14 miles. It was slooowwww and my legs were completely done by the end of it. After that, we packed up and went to pick up Bella.
Plus, I love going home to a home cooked meal.

We’ll ignore the fact that we ate before on our way out of town, oh well!

Sunday, we tried out a church in our area, I learned not to check emails and walk when I’m not familiar with the terrain because walking out of church, I didn’t see the step down and completely ate it, maybe it was a sign of some sort. After that, I made it to the grocery store to cook buffalo chicken meatloaf & carrot pudding (courtesy of PaleOMG), hot yoga, swimming, Local Culture and attempting to clean out my closet.

Super simple meatloaf

It doesn’t look appealing, I PROMISE it’s good though.

Carrots for the carrot cake pudding

coccunutMaking coconut butter for the carrot cake pudding. (I failed at taking a photo of the outcome)

Hot YogaHot Yoga

Local CultureWe took Bella with us to Local Culture – Notice she has to be fed by spoon. She can’t eat out of the bowl.

Training Plan
Monday – 4 miles & Tough Mudder Class
Tuesday – Run & Swim
Wednesday – 7 miles
Thursday – Run & Spin
Friday – Rest
Saturday – Annie Oakley Tri
Sunday – 18 miles?