This weekend I made the 3 hour drive up to Saint Louis, Missouri for The Color Run! It was super fun and colorful, full of good food & friends and a trip to The Lion King!

Friday started off with “trying” to get my long run in. It’s just so hard to wake up so early and plan on running for 3-4 hours. I made it to 8 miles. We left for Saint Louis and met my friend from high school for dinner, drinks & he was gracious enough to let us crash at his place for a night.

Saturday was bright & early for The Color Run. I’ll let the pictures do the talking…


After the run, we…

The Lion King

Is this the first picture where I’m not at a race and in regular clothes?

After The Lion King, we stopped at Whole Foods for a little shopping and REI just to look around, which I then found my pink headlamp that I plan to purchase for The Ragnar Race.

This week, I plan on focusing on my running and fitting in spin, yoga and swimming in there somewhere. I have absolutely NOTHING planned this weekend, especially since the next is Kansas City weekend.